Sunday, March 11, 2012

Toe the line: a week of ups and downs

Last weekend I had one of my biggest training weekends in some time, with 100+ miles on the bike and 3+ hours running. The following week was scheduled as a recovery week, culminating with my first triathlon of the 2012 season on Sunday (today). Less than 12 hours prior to my race on Sunday, my throat was hurting, my head was pounding, and my back and neck were aching. Great timing! The night was filled with tossing and turning, with my internal thermostat going haywire. One second I was freezing and would cover with a blanket, just to start sweating the next. Took an ibuprofen, which allowed me to get a little sleep. I was seriously considering not going to my race less than 5 hours later. I must have gotten some rest, as I woke up at 445AM (really 345AM - thanks daylight savings time) and felt a little better. I decided to give it a go and try to toe the line.

545AM: checked into transition and warmed up. Felt OK, but head was still heavy and muscles ached.

645AM: Short swim warmup. I have been living in FL too long. Water was 75, and it was freezing!!

7AM: Race starts! 750m swim course was long. Couldn't hang with the lead group led by pro Maxim Kriat. Settled into my pace and excited the water around 13 minutes and change, about 2-2.5 minutes behind the lead pack. T1 hurt worse than anything else, running barefoot on rocky asphalt (feet still hurt)! Grabbed bike and was ready to hammer. It was a windy day with a constant NE wind at 15+mph. My Garmin had the bike course long at 13.3 miles with watch showing an average of 23+mph. Recorded a 34:25 bike split, 7th overall, with the pros going 31-32.5 minutes.
(Cervelo P4 after hammer time)

Entered T2 having not been passed and passing 2-3 athletes. Grabbed my run gear including new Wattie Ink visor. Official team kits ETA next week!! Started out at a moderate 6:13 pace on the run and maintained this for the first mile. Second mile was at same pace, followed by a 6:04 pace to finish the 5K off.
Ended up placing 11th OA and 6th in Elite Amateur division. Also finished 2+ minutes faster than the top athlete in my 30-34AG.
(forced smile)
(really felt like this)

Although I am smiling, my head had started pounding again, and I was getting flu-like aches. I hydrated the rest of the day, and spent the time laying and sleeping on the couch! Thanks to my wife, Jessica Houston (Healthy Urbanista) for the chicken noodle soup and popsicles! Feeling a little better already.

So, the first triathlon of 2012 is in the books. Despite the illness, I am glad that I raced. I know that I have even better performances ahead. However, its only March and I identified areas that I need to focus: swim, and continue to build my bike and run endurance. Thanks to all my Wattie Ink Elite teammates for all the motivation over the past few weeks, and thanks to Wattie Ink for letting me Rock the W in 2012!!! Thanks also to Lee Zohlman for all the long and hard weekend training blocks and the race wheels!

(Rock the W!!)

***WANT TO WIN A FREE ROAD ID?? Go to Healthy Urbanista to enter!!!L


  1. super awesome!!!!!! what a great 1st race! whoop whoop!!!!

  2. great job out there! sounds like a tough day, but worth it!
