Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Year of Breakthroughs

We are 2 weeks into 2012 and I am already excited for things to come this year, regarding ophthalmology, triathlon, and my family. 

In regards to my ophthalmology training, I am finishing up my 2nd year, and will start my 3rd and last year of general ophthalmology.  With this transition in July comes more responsibility, but also much more time in the OR performing eye surgery.  I am looking forward to this new chapter in my professional career, a time for me to fine tune my surgical skills while at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.  As exciting, come July, I will also embark on my path to seeking a vitreoretinal surgery fellowship to further specialize in retinal surgery.  Looking back at my first days in medical school, it seemed like a never-ending trek. Now almost 7 years later, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Three more years of surgical training, a time for me to mature into the best eye-surgeon I can.  In addition to my clinical and surgical training, I hope to continue my academic endeavors in 2012, much like the past 3 years.  I hope to continue to write novel and meaningful research papers and articles to contribute to a better understanding of ophthalmic disease. 

Triathlon, or swimming-biking-running (in that order), is a fairly new hobby for me, with my start less than 3 years ago in 2009.  After my first race on a borrowed bike with basket peddles and all my training done on a “fat tire” bike, I was bit by the triathlon bug upon crossing the finish line.  Despite crazy, and at times insane work hours, I jumped right into training.  My first full season of triathlon training and racing was full of ups and downs as I was a neophyte in this new sport.  However, with consistency and hard work, as well as many great mentors along the way, I continued to progress.  2011 was an awesome year for me, as I raced for Team Odwalla ( and BodyZen (, qualified for USAT Age-group National Championships, received honorable mention in USAT rankings, and completed my first-half ironman race and finished in sub-5 hours.  Two weeks into 2012 and I anticipate a breakthrough year.  I was recently selected for the Wattie Ink Elite Team (, a group of 50 athletes from around the country who will be representing the “W” in 2012.  I already feel an amazing camaraderie with this group of athletes, and I have even more motivation to be the best I can in 2012.  2012 will include several more long-distance events, including several 70.3 (half-ironman) events, as well as my 1st 140.6 (full ironman).  Going into the season, with my first warm-up race in March, I have made several goals for 2012; all realistic that I know I can meet with consistency, dedication, and staying healthy.  For the Olympic distance (0.9m swim/24.9m bike/6.2m run), my goal is to break 2 hours and 10 minutes, and for a bike split less than 1 hour, and sub-40 minute run split.  For the 70.3 or half-iron distance (1.2m swim/56m bike/13.1m run), my goal is sub-4 hours 30 minutes and qualification for the 70.3 World Championships in Las Vegas.  Being that 2012 will be the first time I race an ironman (2.4m swim/112m bike/26.2m run), this is harder to predict.  But based on my observed fitness and timing at other distances, my goal is first and foremost to finish, but sub-10 hours is my time goal.  Qualifying for my ultimate goal of the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii would be icing on the cake.  Reading over these goals, they seem lofty to complete all of them, but the first step to fulfilling any goals is stating them and putting them in a place for you to have a constant reminder.  So to all my fellow triathletes out there, and my Wattie Ink teammates, lets rock 2012!

Last but definitely not least, 2012 will mark 4 years of being married to my amazing, sweet, beautiful, loving, caring, and supportive wife, Jessica Houston (  The past 3 years have been the best of my life, and she has been the main reason.  I look forward to all that 2012 will bring us, eith new experiences, career developments and decisions, travelling, and more time together. 

So, as we start the 2012 year, I encourage everyone to think about what is important in their lives and how they can make these things even better in 2012! Most importantly, make goals, write them down, tell someone, and put them in clear view on a daily basis.  I wish everyone the best in 2012!! 


  1. Awesome write up. I have my race goals on a dry erase board in my workout room!

  2. You have some good goals for the year! I remember being a post-grad student and training....ick! I know you can get through it- hang in there. :)
